Busting 3 Common Misconceptions About Solar Energy Systems
The clarion call for more to be done with regards to mitigating the effects of climate change has increased global demand for renewable forms of energy. Fortunately, advancement in green technology has enabled a wide range of renewable energy sources to flourish, one of which being electrical outlets to charge electric vehicles and the other being rooftop solar panel solutions for residences. A highly popular choice when it comes to alternative energy sources, solar energy is not only a great way to help in the fight against global warming, it is also an excellent way to significantly reduce your electricity bills.

Despite its numerous benefits, solar power is still relatively misunderstood, and this has unfortunately deterred many homeowners from employing and incorporating solar energy systems into their homes as part of their alternative energy solutions. If you are unsure of whether you should be setting up a solar energy system in your home, we’re here to help you understand more about it and why you should turn to solar energy as a power source.
Misconception 1: Solar Panels Make Your Home Look Ugly
The term “Ugly” is very subjective, and in the case of modern solar panels, ugly is hardly the word we would use to describe them. Modern solar energy systems and its panels are sleek and stylish, and will definitely add an ultramodern vibe to your home. This is especially true for houses fitted with black monocrystalline silicon solar panels, as they are more inconspicuous and uniform in look. Thus, it is actually not easy for one to tell if there are solar panels on one’s roof unless they look with intent. The same can’t be said for the older polycrystalline (multi crystal) silicon solar panels, as they are less attractive looking due to their reflection of the blue sky. But you know what’s really ugly? Pollution and rising utility costs. Pollution from fossil fuels destroys healthy ecosystems, and along with it precious flora and fauna are in peril. One of the best things about the energy generated by solar energy systems is the fact that it is emission free. In addition, you’ll get to cut down on your electricity bills, considering that electricity tariffs are on the rise. Having a solar energy system at home will definitely help save costs, and this will prove to be a good return of investment in due time.
Misconception 2: Solar Panels Are Fragile
Modern solar panels are designed to be robust, with the electricity-generating components protected beneath thick, industrial-grade glass, so that they are able to withstand harsh weather conditions such as heavy thunderstorms during the monsoon season. Additionally, modern solar panels are designed to resist strong winds, and they are able to withstand wind gusts of up to 200 km/h, which is highly improbable here in Singapore. Solar panels and solar energy systems are built to last for decades, which is money well spent considering the savings you gain from cutting down on your electricity bills as well as doing your part to mitigate global warming. In fact, every solar energy system sold by Solar PV Exchange includes a 25-year warranty.
Misconception 3: Solar Energy Systems Can Cause Issues With Sensitive Electronics
This is false. Solar energy systems are designed to monitor, synchronise, and seamlessly switch with your local power service providers. On top of that, with technological advancements, solar energy systems are projected to be even more seamless and compatible. This is why such a notion of power provided by solar energy systems affecting or damaging sensitive electronics is an inaccurate one.
If you are still hesitant in committing to a solar energy system due to the costs involved, there are a few energy programmes that are designed to offer direct cost-saving benefits. The UOB U-Solar programme, for instance, is one financing programme that allows you to enjoy 0% interest-free monthly payments for a period of up to 36 months via your UOB credit card, thus freeing you from the worry of having to commit to a hefty initial down payment. If you are looking for a reliable solar energy equipment supplier in Singapore, SolarPVExchange is the one for you! Contact us to learn more about solar energy systems for your home today.