Debunked! Most Common Solar Myths in Singapore
It is observed that there are a handful of people in Singapore who have misconceptions about installing solar for their residential homes. In this article, we will address some of them.
Myth #1: "Can my house install solar as it has a slope."
Yes and no! But it really depends on the condition of the roof as we have also installed for clients whose roofs have slopes (between 30-45 degrees) and whether a roof can be installed depends on the roof conditions and a site visit is necessary.
1.1 The directional movement of the Sun; Sunrise and Sunset

Depending on the location of your house, if your roof is along the movement of the sun from the time it rises and until it sets, you will still see nice figures in your generation, especially during the peak hours in the noon. At sunrise or sunset, the generation might not be as optimal as a system that was installed on a flat surface; However, bear in mind that the irradiance and energy generated during those times, are pretty low.
1.2 Surroundings of your house

If your house is in between several other houses that are much taller, you could still consider a solar installation if your house fulfils what we discussed in point 1, about the movement of the Sun. Otherwise, your house might not be very suitable for a solar installation in this case.
1.3 The Installer you choose

Generally, the maximum slope that we work on for solar is around 30 degrees (± 5 degrees). However, SolarPVExchange has also installed solar panels on roofs that were up to 45 degrees. We can only find out if your slanted roof is suitable for solar after a site visit.
The installer you choose is very important if you have a slope that is steeper than 30 degrees as you do not want to risk the panels falling down. Some installers do not wish to go through the hassle of building a solar system on a steep slope as they might not have the experience to do so. Always get a second opinion. 😀
Myth #2: A solar system might drop/damage my roof/tiles and even cause leakage??
It depends on certain factors! On the contrary, a solar system helps to prolong the lifespan of your roof, if installed properly with a reputable solar installer.
2.1 It depends on the current state of your roof

If your tiles are crumpling after being up on your roof for the past 50 years, you probably should consider doing Repairs and Restoration (R&R) works first before installing a solar system. You could even do this in tandem with a solar system so that your newly restored roof is well protected from the elements. 😀
2.2 A solar system can serve as a blanket for your roof

We all need a blanket when it gets extremely cold, and we even need blankets to shield ourselves from heat, when escaping a building on fire. 😀
During the monsoon season in sunny Singapore, water droplets will land on the panels and slide down to the edge (Solar systems are usually installed with a slight slope). As a result, there is no direct flow of water from above, onto your tiles. With a proper drainage system, water is unlikely to seep through your tiles.
On sunny months, you will get plentiful sunlight and the solar system will shield your roof from the elements. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can wear down certain items but solar panels are built to withstand and thrive in sunshine for more than 20 years. Your roof's water membrane will be covered and even last much longer.
2.3 Lowers the heat that goes into your house from the roof

Why do drivers like to park under trees or shades? Because it is cooler under one and no one likes to enter a hot car that's like a sauna. This is another cool benefit that applies to a solar system as well. When you have a solar system above your roof, this reduces heat that goes through your roof and lowers the building's ambient temperature. Your air-conditioning system will not have to work as hard as before to bring the temperature down.
Myth #3: I won't save much, and the ROI is too long.

Ignorance is not bliss! Many people disregard solar installations because they perceive that the Return on Investment/Breakeven Duration takes too long. Most of the time, these decisions were made based on inaccurate assumptions because prospective clients do not understand energy prices and how the energy market works in Singapore.
Every household and solar installation is unique, the SolarPVExchange team is experienced and has vast knowledge in helping our clients make informed decisions. Contact us today at enquiries@solarpvex.com for a second opinion, if you would like. 😀